What is RAM? A quick summary of what RAM is and how upgrading helps you

By Tom McDonald | Mar 30, 2011 2:05:00 PM

Most people have hear d the term RAM used before among computer users although many don’t know what exactly it is or does, they know that having more is probably useful to them. RAM literally stands for Random Access Memory and is used to fix the problem of reading data from Spinning Drives. Your computer writes/reads data from the hard drive but because traditional hard drives are spinning mechanical devices, it has the problem of being slow, so slow that the rest of the computer has to wait for the hard drive to finish before moving on to its next task. This creates a “bottleneck,” which is simply the slowest part of the computer, which forces the rest of the computer to slow down to that pace. Because hard drives could only go so fast they formed a way to get around this, RAM. What the RAM does is store files temporality on the chip, these files are ones that the OS needs to access constantly or needs quick access to at any given moment. By having this split between the Hard drive and RAM you create a place to store files permanently and another to store ones you need to access quickly, these files tend to be programs that are currently open, which is why it takes so long to load the program the first time, but only a few seconds to gain access to it after its loaded.

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5 ways a VDI, Virtualized Desktop Infrastructure, can improve IT for both users and admins

By Tom McDonald | Mar 28, 2011 3:14:00 PM

The benefits of virtualizing your desktop environment are numerous, in today’s world business’s IT departments are growing by leaps and bounds and the work needed to add, integrate, and maintain can push IT resources to the limits. Virtualization was traditionally used to help reduce the number of servers needed to run the IT, but as the software became more advanced, the usefulness of having a Virtualized Desktop infrastructure (VDI) has become more apparent.

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8 Things to ask when choosing the right Managed Services Provider for your IT needs

By Tom McDonald | Mar 24, 2011 10:09:00 AM

Our last article, 5 Different Managed Service Provider (MSP) price models, how to choose the best one for your SMB, focused on the pricing models of different MSPs and how that would relate to your own business. This article focuses on what they actually cover and what to look for in the contract itself. Here are 7 topic areas that you should ask your MSP before signing the contract:

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28 Years = 10 Core Values - President of IT Support Co, NSI, explains

By Tom McDonald | Oct 21, 2010 9:28:00 AM

As a company, NSI’s strategies have changed continually over the years; our core ideology has not. Sometimes it is difficult to determine what should never change and what should be open for discussion. What is sacred, and what is not.

A core ideology defines NSI’s timeless character. It is the glue that holds our business together even if everything else is up for grabs. The NSI core values are not something you invent or fake, they are things we discover over time which define and guide us in our decisions. After 28 years in business it has become more important than ever to explicitly define these core values from which NSI developed our culture, brand, and our business strategies.

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