Executive Roundtable Series

Even very successful organizations have points where they cannot break through. Operations run smooth but sales are slow, they are growing but are not as profitable as they should be and managers struggle to delegate.

These fundamental barriers are due to a lack of a certain business capability, which depends on People (the employees fulfilling those roles), Processes (blueprints and procedures to do in order to reach goals) and Technology (applications, systems, reports etc. to actually do the work).

  • What do you fix? 
  • Where do you start?
  • How do you know?

We have found over time working with 100’s of companies that most of the time People and Processes are there. People are smart and they know what to do but things break down on the execution level.

Roundtable Goals:

  • Introduction to a simple framework that improves alignment between business goals and technology solutions
  • Share and hear from peers on challenges of getting returns from technology projects
  • Self-assess your company on different aspects that impact the likelihood of  a project having the desired impact on your organization


Thursday, August 12th, @ 9:30 AM

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